Sofash - SaaS & Software Gatsby Landing Page


Showcasing Your Software With Sofash Is Easy

It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content layout readable English.

Strategy Solutions

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Dedicated Support

Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur.

Digital Design

Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur.

Top Features

We shows only the best websites, portfolios ans landing pages built completely with passion, simplicity & creativity !


Clean & Minimal Design

You want customer to your store. Easily publish your coupans and when a user has manage to catch one of your coupens.

UX Devloper

Planing & Strategy

We put a lot of effort in design.

Submit Your Orgnization.

Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit.

The most important ingredient of successful website.

UI Design

Elegant & Modern Design

You want customer to your store. Easily publish catch one of your coupens.

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How It Work?

We shows only the best websites, portfolios ans landing pages built completely with passion, simplicity & creativity !


Design & Devloping

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Testing Project

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Publisher Project

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People Using our software & Counting

We shows only the best websites, portfolios ans landing pages built completely with passion, simplicity & creativity !


Our Screenshot

We shows only the best websites, portfolios ans landing pages built completely with passion, simplicity & creativity !

Trusted by Thousands

We shows only the best websites, portfolios ans landing pages built completely with passion, simplicity & creativity !


our People Says

We shows only the best websites, portfolios ans landing pages built completely with passion, simplicity & creativity !

Best Pricing Plan

We shows only the best websites, portfolios ans landing pages built completely with passion, simplicity & creativity !


$19/Per Month

Nam libero tempore amet.

Project: 10

Wordpress Theme

Support: No

10 Domain

Best  Plan


$29/Per Month

Nam libero tempore amet.

Project: 20

Wordpress Theme

Support: No

10 Domain


$39/Per Month

Nam libero tempore amet.

Project: 30

Wordpress Theme

Support: No

10 Domain

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We shows only the best websites, portfolios ans landing pages built completely with passion, simplicity & creativity !

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We shows only the best websites, portfolios ans landing pages built completely with passion, simplicity & creativity !